Reconsider your New Year’s Resolution
January is the time of resolutions but it shouldn’t be the time for unrealistic goals. Resolutions can help for some, but setting an unreachable goal will only lead to disappointment. Most resolutions start of with a bang and end up fading by February (or sooner). Not only are resolutions unrealistic, but they are often confining. Don’t limit your possibilities by putting yourself into a box.I can’t remember one New Year’s resolution that I have set and that can’t be a good sign. For me, setting an intention rather than a single resolution has proven to be successful, sustainable and promote continual growth. This year, consider setting an intention for yourself rather than just one goal. You may also think of this as a commitment or a mindset. This intention can be built upon as you grow throughout the coming year. Many people wander through life without meaningful direction towards optimal health and a set intention can act as your guide to a healthful life.Need some additional support in setting your intention? Join Nourishing Results for a free workshop.Hope to see you there!-Katie
Building a Sustainable ResolutionIt’s Free, Just RSVP!Wednesday, January 27th5:30 pm – 6:30 pm2970 N. Swan, Plaza Palomino Suite 220Seating is limited.To reserve your