If I Could Change The World

Often when I am running with my sister or chatting with friends the conversation will shift to a nutrition question or the health concern of a friend or family member. Often the person is feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or unsure of what to do. If I could change the world, everyone would have access to a healthcare provider that spends time listening to, supporting and advocating for each and every patient.Life has been fairly busy this year, which is why I have not posted an article in quite a while. Part of what I have been doing is expanding Nourishing Results to include a second dietitian. I am very proud to share with you that Katie Ann Lehn has recently joined the practice.  Now she and I can reach more people in personal consultations, grocery store tours and home visits. Soon we will be moving to a new office where we can hold more classes and workshops. We will also have more time to write articles and share information with you. Additionally, we will be able to connect with more like-minded health professionals in Tucson who are eager to work together to inspire and advocate for people to reach optimal health and wellness.The Great Need for Good NutritionWe live in a busy world, full of stress and toxins and surrounded by food that our bodies don't need. It's no surprise that type 2 diabetes affects children and that autoimmune disease collectively affects more people than cancer or heart disease. At my husband's 20 year high school reunion the conversation shifted to statins, gout and high blood pressure; it's not unusual for people in their 30's to be taking multiple medications to control "chronic diseases of aging". While it is exciting to have reached a new summit in my practice, I am overwhelmed by anticipation and excitement to see how we expand our reach to support and advocate for people to live well and to demand more from our lifestyles, grocery stores and health care system.Stay ConnectedI look forward to connecting with you on Facebook and I hope that you subscribe to this blog. My goal with this blog and Facebook posts is to share good information to inspire you to live well and to reduce frustrations and the sense of overwhelming uncertainty that health and nutrition concerns sometimes brings.You Have A PartnerIf I could change the world everyone would have a partner on his or her journey to healthy living. Katie and I are your partners in achieving good health. Whether we work with you in person or on Skype, or through this blog or on Facebook, we are here to support you, inspire you and advocate for you. This was my mission when I founded this practice and remains my mission in expanding Nourishing Results, Integrative Nutrition Consultation and Food Coaching.