Hey Ladies, Get the Support You Need

Another barrier to exercise that I commonly I hear from clients, is related to undergarments.  That's right-sports bras that don't fit and don't do what they are supposed to do.  A sports bra is supposed to be comfortable and supportive, allowing you to move freely.  A sports bra should not cut off your circulation or limit your ability to breathe, and you should not requite two bras to get the support you desire.If any of this is resonating with you, please visit Fleet Feet for a sports bra fitting.  Fleet Feet is super-unique in its commitment to being the premier resource for sports bras.  They carry the largest variety of sports bras and apply their FITLOSOPHY to fitting bras as well as shoes.  Fleet Feet takes the time necessary to find a sports bra that truly fits your body and allows you to exercise as you please, whether it's running, jumping jacks, playing double dutch, twirling in circles, dancing, or whatever else you can dream up.  You are no longer limited by ill-fitting, non-supportive sports bras.This may seem like a frivolous thing to those who have not struggled with finding a bra that properly fits. But trust me, I have had clients nearly come to tears when they learn of this service.  If you know someone who may benefit from a sports bra fitting, give them a gift card to Fleet Feet.  You don't know how liberated they will feel.Material on this blog is provided for informational purposes only. It is general information that may not apply to you as an individual, and is not a substitute for personalized nutrition or health advice or healthcare. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical care because of something you have read or accessed through this website.